domenica 25 gennaio 2015

Spaghetti alla checca di Deborah del Fovo - Spaghetti with Fresh Tomatoes, Mozzarella and Basil infused Olive Oil


450 g di pomodori ciliegina o 2-3 pomodori da insalata
120 ml di olio extravergine d'oliva
2 manciate di foglie di basilico fresco, più qualcuna per guarnire
230 g di mozzarella fresca tagliata a cubetti

Pulire le foglie di basilico con uno strofinaccio umido. Tagliarle a julienne o spezzarle con le mani. Mettere il basilico in una ciotola e condire con l'olio d'oliva. Far riposare per mezz'ora

Lavare i pomodori e tagliarli a metà, togliere i semi e tagliarli ancora a metà. Se si usano pomodori più grandi tagliarli in quarti, togliere i semi e tagliarli a cubetti. Condirli con il sale e lasciarli scolare dalla loro acqua. Dopo 10 minuti aggiungerli al basilico.

Aggiungere la mozzarella al basilico aggiustando di sale e pepe.

Cuocere la pasta al dente e condire con gli ingredienti preparati in precedenza, aggiungendo olio se necessario. Trasferire in un piatto da portata e guarnire con foglie di basilico fresco.

Spaghetti with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and basil infused olive oil (English)

1 pound/453g spaghetti (short pasta like penne can be substituted)
1 pound/453g cherry tomatoes or 2 to 3 ripe salad tomatoes
½ cup/120ml extra virgin olive oil, plus more if needed
2 handfuls fresh basil leaves, plus a sprig or two to garnish
8 ounces/226g fresh whole milk mozzarella (2 large balls mozzarella)
Kosher or sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Clean the basil leaves by gently wiping with a barely damp paper towel. Chop or tear the basil into small pieces or cut into thin julienne ribbons. Place the basil in a large glass or earthenware bowl, add the extra virgin olive oil and stir once. Set aside for ½ hour or more to infuse the oil with basil flavor.

Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut in half then gently squeeze out seeds and cut each piece in half again. If using larger tomatoes, cut into quarters then remove seeds and core then cut flesh into small dice. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and place in a mesh strainer set over a bowl to drain excess liquid. After draining for 10 minutes, add the tomatoes to the basil oil in the bowl.

Chop the mozzarella into small dice about the size of the tomatoes. Add to bowl with the other ingredients. Season lightly with salt and pepper and toss together. Taste and correct seasoning if needed. Set aside.

Bring 5 quarts of water to a vigorous boil then season the water with a generous handful of kosher salt. When the water returns to a boil, add all the spaghetti and stir once to prevent the pasta strands from sticking together. Cook the spaghetti until “al dente” or tender yet firm to the bite (usually two minutes less than package directions).

Drain the spaghetti and add to the ingredients in the bowl. Toss the spaghetti in the bowl until evenly coated with oil and the condiments are well distributed, drizzling with more olive oil if needed. Transfer the spaghetti to a large serving platter or individual plates and garnish with sprigs of fresh basil. Enjoy immediately.

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